#!/bin/bash # 11-1-2019 JHZ # Settings and environment variables function module () { eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*` } function MRC_Epid() { export SHOME=/genetics/bin export PATH=/genetics/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH:/genetics/data/software/bin export R_LIBS=/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/:/genetics/bin/R:/usr/local/lib64/R/library:/genetics/data/software/R export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib64/R/lib:/genetics/data/software/lib export HRC=/gen_omics/data/EPIC-Norfolk/HRC/binary_ped export bfile=$HRC/HRC export remove_sample=$HRC/exclude.id export exclude_snp=$HRC/exclude.snps } function cardio() # Clusters at CEU { module load gcc/5.2.0 module load matlab/r2014a module load mpfr/3.1.4 module load python/2.7.10 export SHOME=/scratch/jhz22 export CYTOSCAPE=$SHOME/Cytoscape_v3.5.1 export PARTITION=long } cardio ## Pipeline # Location and reference data export FM_location=$SHOME/FM-pipeline # GEN files named chr{chr}_{start}_{end}.gen.gz export GEN_location=$FM_location/1KG/FUSION # sample file export sample_file=$FM_location/1KG/FUSION.sample # Complementary files for fgwas export fgwas_location_1kg=$SHOME/fgwas/1000-genomes ## software flags: 1=enable export CAVIAR=1 export CAVIARBF=0 export clumping=1 export FM_summary=1 export GCTA=1 export JAM=1 export LocusZoom=0 export fgwas=1 export finemap=1 ## Other environment variables # parallel processes export threads=1 # LD calculations export LD_MAGIC=0 export LD_PLINK=0 # Rscript as in getCredible.r