Miscellaneous utilities
Comparison of results is to seed from cmp.sh.
This is to remove nonactive (non-Cardio, NR>4) empty directories,
ls -t | awk 'NR>4' | parallel -C' ' 'rmdir {}'
The exon_reg
group is particularly slow (~10hr each) and we attempted to let faster groups done first and hold it with
scontrol hold 46817784_[29-368]
the array indexes were necessary since _22 was already done.
We have from squeue -u $USER
46817784_[29-368] cclake-hi _rva jhz22 PD 0:00 1 (JobHeldUser,None)
and restore the jobs with
scontrol release 46817784
to get
46817784_[29-368] cclake-hi _rva jhz22 PD 0:00 1 (Priority,QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit)
This is appropriate since some cclake jobs were furnished with cardio.
scancel 46817784_[250-299]
They were then dropped according to squeue -u $USER