
SomaLogic analysis plan

Last updated 28/1/2019


This analysis attempts to collect and analyse GWAS summary statistics for proteins on SomaLogic SOMAscan assays.




It is preferable to use software which account for genotype uncertainty, such as SNPTEST, QUICKTEST, and BOLT-LMM.

Summary statistics

SNP-level association results

These are summaised in the following table, with missing values coded as “NA”.

No. Variable name Description
1 SNPID CHR:POS_A1_A2 (where A1<A2) or rsid
2 CHR Chromosome number (1-22)
3 POS Physical position for the reference sequence (please indicate NCBI build in descriptive file)
4 STRAND Indicator of strand direction. Please specify “+” if positive or forward strand and “-” if negative or reverse strand.
5 N Number of non-missing observations
6 EFFECT_ALLELE Allele for which the effect (beta coefficient) is reported. For example, in an A/G SNP in which AA = 0, AG=1, and GG=2, the coded allele is G.
7 REFERENCE_ALLELE Second allele at the SNP (the other allele). In the example above, the non-coded allele is A.
8 EAF Effect allele frequency – “NA” if not available
9 BETA Effect size for the coded allele, beta estimate from the genotype-phenotype association, with at least 5 decimal places. Note: if not available, please report “NA” for this variable.
10 SE Standard error of the beta estimate, to at least 5 decimal places - “NA” if not available.
11 PVAL p-value of Wald test statistic – “NA” if not available
12 RSQ Residual phenotypic variance explained by SNP. “NA” if not available
13 RSQ_IMP Observed divided by expected variance for imputed allele dosage.
14 IMP Please specify whether the SNP was imputed or genotyped: 1: imputed SNP, 0: directly genotyped SNP

Cohorts may opt to report sppedy results from PLINK with the following information, then it is desirable to provide SNP-level information:

No Name Description Additional comment
1 BP Position in base pairs  
2 CHR Chromosome  
3 SNP CHR:POS_A1_A2 or rsid  
4* HWE Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium P-value  
5* MAF Minor allele frequency Please indicate if this is the effect allele frequency
6 A1 Allele 1 Please indicate if this is the effect/reference allele
7* A2 Allele 2 Please indicate if this is the effect/reference allele
8 NMISS Sample size  
9 BETA Regression coefficient  
10 STAT Regression test statistic  
11 P P value  

* may be taken from the PLINK –hardy option and .bim file, see

In this case, please provide for each SNP information on strand, effect allele, effect allele frequency, and the information measures for imputation – the information measure can be on the genotype level obtained once for a cohort rather than from phenotype-genotype regression through software such as SNPTEST. SNP and sample based statistics can be greatly facilitated with software qctool,, e.g.

qctool -g INTERVAL.bgen -s INTERVAL.sample -snp-stats -osnp INTERVAL.snp-stats -sample-stats -osample INTERVAL.sample-stats

See Appendix for a full example using SLURM.

When a dosage format is used, PLINK can also gives an INFO measure, see

Descriptive statistics

This would include cohort-level summary statistics, brief description of the protein assays, genechips, quality controls, imputation. Please provide details of imputation panels.

A Google sheet has been set up to enable assembling of the information online.

Alternatively, an Excel spreadsheet is also available for download.

File-naming convention

It is recommended to use format

Data upload

Please contact us for details.


Meta-analysis will be performed centrally using the inverse-N weighted analysis of regression betas and standard errors, as implemented in the software METAL (

Genomic control and appropriate marker filters will be applied at this stage.

Participating cohorts

FHS, INTERVAL, KORA, Malmo, QMDiab, TwinsUK.


Cotton RJ, Graumann J (2016) readat: An R package for reading and working with SomaLogic ADAT files. BMC Bioinformatics,, Bioconductor and bitbucket.

Stacey D, et al. (2018), ProGeM: a framework for the prioritization of candidate causal genes at molecular quantitative trait loci. Nucleic Acids Research,, GitHub and bioRxiv.

Sun BB, et al. (2018). Genomic atlas of the human plasma proteome. Nature 558: 73–79, SomaLogic plasma protein GWAS summary statistics,, EGA entry. Notes: SERPINA1.R creates **an artist's SERPINA1** similar to RCircos version by Jimmy, and is the Markdown version of the Methods section of the paper.


SLURM script for qctool 2.0.1

This is called with sbatch, where contains the following lines:

#!/bin/bash --login

#SBATCH -J qctool
#SBATCH -o qctool.log
#SBATCH -p long
#SBATCH -t 1-0:0
#SBATCH --export ALL
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8

export DIR=/scratch/bp406/data_sets/interval_subset_olink/genotype_files/unrelated_4994_pihat_0.1875_autosomal_typed_only
export INTERVAL=$DIR/interval_olink_subset_unrelated_4994_pihat_0.1875_autosomal_typed_only
ln -sf $INTERVAL.bgen INTERVAL.bgen
ln -sf $INTERVAL.sample INTERVAL.sample

# to obtain SNP-specific statistics as in .bgen and .sample format

qctool -g INTERVAL.bgen -s INTERVAL.sample -snp-stats -osnp INTERVAL.snp-stats

# Note in particular: the # option allows for chromosome-specific analysis; the -strand option will enable results in positive strand.

The following script obtain SNP-statistics for each chromosome,

#!/bin/bash --login

#SBATCH -J qctool
#SBATCH -o qctool.log
#SBATCH -p long
#SBATCH -a 1-22
#SBATCH -t 1-0:0
#SBATCH --export ALL
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8

export DIR=/scratch/bp406/data_sets/interval_subset_olink/genotype_files/unrelated_4994_pihat_0.1875_autosomal_typed_only/per_chr
export INTERVAL=$DIR/interval_olink_subset_unrelated_4994_pihat_0.1875_autosomal_typed_only_chr_

qctool -g ${INTERVAL}${chr}.bgen -s ${INTERVAL}${chr}.sample -snp-stats -osnp INTERVAL-${chr}.snp-stats