
The scripts here are developed to facilitate heritability estimation from summary statistics (HESS) as available from https://github.com/huwenboshi/hess.

The scripts were initially tested using EPIC-Norfolk GWAS, for which test.sh, test.subs and test.awk are created to work on /genetics/bin/hess/tests directory and later on changed to /genetics/data/gwas/8-7-15/QUS.

Further work is done to make it generic including examples for height and QUS meta-analyses. These only involve SNP ids the as sorting key. The scripts are hess.sh, hess.subs and hess.awk.

To set it up, modify file locations in hess.sh as appropriate for your system.

The syntax is as follows,

hess.sh GWAS-summary-statistics

where GWAS-summary-statistics has these columns: rsID, pos, A1, A2, Z, N.

NOTE finally that HESS describes bed file as with UCSC (https://genome.ucsc.edu/).