Key Features of the Template

  • YAML Front Matter: Set metadata like the title, author, theme, and transitions.
  • Headings: Use # for slide titles, ## or ### for smaller headers.
  • Horizontal Slide Separation: Use --- to separate individual slides.
  • Code Blocks: Wrap code in triple backticks for syntax highlighting.
  • A Dozen Others: Bookmarks, title page image, icon on title, background shading, embedded image, citation @zhao06a, colored URLs, figure numbering, table numbering, multiple columns, page / total numbering, link to videos.

Slide with Image


Code/Math \texorpdfstring{($ \phi(x,y) $)}{( \phi(x,y) )} Example

# Sample Python code
def hello_world():
    print("Hello, world!")

A Numbered Table

Table:\label{tab:mytable} A summary of files

File Description
nature-genetics.csl style
premeable.tex premeable
REFERENCES.bib reference library
slides.html .html output markdown file
slides.pdf .pdf output* Bash command file
sunflower.jpg* sunflower as a logo

Two Columns

::: columns

:::: {.column width=50%}

Bullet points

  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3


:::: {.column width=40%}

Ordered list

  1. First item
  2. Another item
  3. A third item



Figure \ref{fig:physalia} and Table \ref{tab:mytable} can be referred, too!


Plum and Popcorn (ref{plum-popcorn.mp4}{olor{red}nderline{video}}) on 18/2/2025abel{fig:plum-popcorn}

Tools to Render Markdown Slides

Four of them are indicated here,

  • Pandoc: Convert Markdown to various formats, including slides in HTML5 or LaTeX Beamer. The current presentation is rendered with v2.18.
  • Marp: A tool for creating slides directly from Markdown and the .html in this presentation is rendered with v4.1.1.
  • Reveal.js: Use Reveal.js for beautiful web-based presentations. A wonderful demo is by quarto below.
  • quarto: Contain comprehensive facilities for rendering presentations including support for pandoc/Reveal.js, see
