Slide 1 Title

Content for the first slide.

  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3

Slide 2 Title

  1. Ordered list item
  2. Another item
  3. A third item

Slide with Image

Code Example

# Sample Python code
def hello_world():
    print("Hello, world!")

Key Features of the Template

  1. YAML Front Matter:
    • Set metadata like the title, author, theme, and transitions using the front matter.
  2. Headings:
    • Use # for slide titles, ## or ### for smaller headers.
  3. Horizontal Slide Separation:
    • Use --- to separate individual slides.
  4. Code Blocks:
    • Wrap code in triple backticks for syntax highlighting.
  5. Images:
    • Embed images using the standard Markdown syntax: ![alt text](path).

Tools to Render Markdown Slides

  • Reveal.js: Use Reveal.js for beautiful web-based presentations. Convert your Markdown using reveal-md.
  • Marp: A tool for creating slides directly from Markdown and exporting them to PDF or PowerPoint.
  • Pandoc: Convert Markdown to various formats, including slides in HTML5 or LaTeX Beamer.