
Information for the manuscript and the paper.

File Description
paper.*, Figures/, Code/, ref.bib JSS paper
GRM.grm.id, GRM.grm-*.gz GRM ID and partitioned files
jss2367.rar Sweave version
BLR.zip, boot.zip GCTA documentation example


Once the repository is cloned, the GRM.grm.gz can be reassembled via the following command,

zcat GRM.grm-{0..4}.gz | gzip -cf > GRM.grm.gz

where GRM.grm-{0..4} were originally generated from,

export N=$(($(gunzip -c GRM.grm.gz | wc -l)/5+1))
gunzip < GRM.grm.gz | split - --lines=$N --numeric-suffixes --suffix-length=1 GRM.grm-
gzip GRM.grm-*


The format of Sweave version jss2367.rar is described at https://rarlab.com/.