
singularity pull -F library://hmgu-itg/default/burden_testing:latest
singularity inspect burden_testing_latest.sif
singularity exec burden_testing_latest.sif help
singularity exec burden_testing_latest.sif single_cohort_munge_variantlist -h
singularity exec burden_testing_latest.sif prepare-regions -h
singularity exec burden_testing_latest.sif make-group-file -h
singularity exec --containall burden_testing_latest.sif step2 --help

for the latest or :1.5.4, see wiki instructions on installation, data and SMMAT.


Additional information can be obtained with singularity exec --help. For debugging, e.g., on VCF2GDS, one can invoke the singularity shell via

singularity shell --bind ${PWD} --containall --shell /usr/bin/bash burden_testing_latest.sif

and the container has its own HOME directory within which ~ is recognised.

  1. The embedded call to sbatch implicates the --wait option as the succeeding steps would require its full results.
  2. The array jobs could be altered to accommodate software and model (BOLT-LMM, GCTA --fastGWA/fastGWAS-lr for mixed model/linear regression).
  3. The group filess for rare variant analysis have been provided by the central analysis team. Note that (a). They are whole-genome so are preferably split by chromosome. (b). No groupings are contained for chromosomes X and Y, so they could be dropped from the analysis.

File upload

This is a heavy burden for the system, so the files are compressed first with

The usual sftp wrapped by lftp utility is considerably faster.

export HOST=
export USER=
export PASS=

export RVA=/rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-projects/olink_proteomics/scallop/SCALLOP-Seq/rva
lftp -c "open sftp://${USER}:${PASS}@${HOST}:/genetic_data/for_Grace; mirror -c -P=20 -R -v ${RVA}"

File download

We simply drop "-R" from above to have,

export HOST=
export USER=
export PASS=

export RVA=/rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-projects/olink_proteomics/scallop/SCALLOP-Seq/rva
lftp -c "open sftp://${USER}:${PASS}@${HOST}:/genetic_data/for_Grace; mirror -c -P=20 -v ${RVA}"