- 2LD (2-locus LD calculator)
- 3LOCUS (3-locus haplotype analysis)
- AFBAC (e-mail, Affected Family-Based Controls)
- ALLASS (ALLelic ASSociation)
- Arlequin (population genetics package)
- ASPEX (TCL, Xmgr)
- ATRIBUTE (path analysis under a generalized single-locus model)
- AUTOZ (computation of the Interval Probability of Autozygosity)
- BAMBE (Bayesian Analysis in Molecular Biology and Evolution)
- BETA (nonparametric linkage using sib-pairs)
- BioEdit (BIOlogical sequence alignment EDITor)
- CHRSIM (CHRomosome-based SIMulation)
- CLUMP (assessing association using Monte Carlo simulation)
- Cruise (a,b)
- CYRILLIC (a pedigree drawing program)
- DMAP (Disequilibrium MAPping)
- ERPA (a program for assessing excessive sharing among relatives)
- ESPA (Extended Sib Pair Analysis)
- ETDT (Extended TDT)
- ET-TDT (Evolutionary Tree TDT)
- FBAT (Family-Based Association Tests)
- FineMap (GTL)
- FISHER (analysis of quantitative traits for general pedigrees)
- GAS (Genetic Analysis System)
- GASSOC (e-mail, Genetic ASSOCiations)
- GASP (a program for genetic data simulation)
- Gcontrol (Association using Genomic Control)
- GDA (Genetic Data Analysis)
- GenePop (population genetic software package)
- GTREE (Gene Tree)
- GhostView
- GRAPPA (Phylogeny reconstruction from gene orders)
- HAPLO (HAPLOtype analysis)
- HMMER (FTP, profile hidden Markov models for biological sequence analysis)
- HMMgene
- HOMOG (HOMOgeneity tests)
- IntraPop (Software for analysis of mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms)
- KIN (Software for computing KINship coefficients)
- Lamarc
- LIPED (LIkelihood in PEDigrees)
- MAPPOP (Software for selective mapping and bin mapping)
- MEGA (Molecular Evolutionary Genetic Analysis)
- MEGA2 (Manipulation Environment for Genetic Analyses)
- MegaLink (interfacing FASTLINK 4.1P, GENEHUNTER 2.0, and SIMPLE)
- MENDEL (genetic linkage analysis program)
- MFLINK (Model-free LINKAGE)
- MIM (Multipoint Interval Mapping)
- MLD (Multilocus Linkage Disequilibrium)
- MLIKELY (maximum-likelihood estimation)
- MORGAN (a collection of software, including Markov chain Monte Carlo)
- MSA (Multiple Sequence Alignment)
- MultiSim (Multipoint Multiple trait Simulation)
- Mx (structuring equation modeling)
- PAML (Phylogenic Analysis using Maximum Likelihood)
- PAP (Pedigree Analysis Package)
- PATHMIX (Path Analysis for Nuclear Families)
- PDT (Pedigree Transmission Test)
- PedCheck (Detecting marker typing incompatibilities in pedigree data)
- Pedraw (drawing pedigrees)
- PedHunter (a software package used to manage genealogies)
- PEPI (Program for EPIdemiology)
- PdpSys (Pedigree Data Processing System)
- PHASE (a program for reconstructing haplotypes from population genotype data)
- Phred/Phrap/consed
- Phylip (phylogenic analysis)
- POINTER (Segregation Analysis using POINTERs)
- Probability Calculator (NCSS)
- QMS (DeFries-Fulker Multiple Regression of Sibship QTL Data)
- QTDT (Quantitative TDT)
- SAGE (Statistical Analysis for Genetic Epidemiology)
- SAM (Sequence Alignment and Modeling System)
- SCOP (Structural classification of proteins, Australia, Cambridge)
- SimCoal (Simulation of Coalescence)
- SimIBD (IBD calculation using Simulation)
- SIMLINK (Simulation program for Linkage)
- SIMULATE (unconditional simulation for linkage)
- Simple (analyze human pedigree data involving large pedigrees and multiloci)
- SimWalk2 (Multipoint analyses using Markov chain Monte Carlo and simulated annealing)
- SKUMIX (maximum likelihood to fit a mixture of up to three distributions)
- SLINK (Conditional simulation on pedigrees)
- SNPHAP (SNP haplotyping)
- SOLAR (Sequential Oligonenic Linkage Analysis Routine)
- SPLINK (Sib Pair LINKage analysis)
- Statistical tests and Molecular biology tools (AD Long’s lab)
- STRUCTURE (a model-based clustering method for inferring population structure)
- TABLE (tabulating LINKAGE outputs)
- Transmit
- TreeView
- VITESSE (Likelihood Calculation on Pedigrees)
- XDT (Sibling transmission test and quantitative TDT)
Last modified: 14/1/2000 by: Jing Hua Zhao