pQTLdata 0.2
- Minor changes to vignette
- Add Ensembl gene ID to caprion & URL to DESCRIPTION but simplify inst/
- Add Information on Thermo Fisher Scientific - LSMS / NCI Proteomic Data Commons
- Add information for Olink® Target 96 Inflammation Panels
- Add inst/, SomaLogic/ given SomaScan.db is developed
pQTLdata 0.1
- Add
- Olink/, EndNote/, scripts/ to inst/.
- caprion.rda and caprion.R.
- seer1980.rda and seer1980.R.
- biomaRt.rda, hg19.rda, hg19Tables.rda, inf1.rda, scallop_inf1, st4.rda, st6.rda, st18.rda, but drop hgTables. Q8NF90 and Q8WWJ7 in inf1.rda were not listed at the UCSC, and replaced with P12034 and P30203 as on UniProt.
- SomaScan lookup (panels, box, ST4, ST6).
- Remove characters with iconv.
- Adopt pkgdown, bookdown-driven vignette, a 1/10 version increment algorithm.
- Imports knitr, Rdpack.
- Suggests dplyr, grid, VennDiagram.
- First release.