pQTLtools 0.5
- Add single quotes to package/software name.
- Add inst/scripts for docs.sh and cran.sh.
- Drop link to GitHub repository in _pkgdown.yml and a lot of options().
- Merge Bioconductor-related and LocusZoom.js/SCALLOP-Caprion articles.
- Revise README.Rmd/bioconductor.Rmd/pQTLtools.Rmd to suppress Fedora 41 check.
- Set fig.height/fig.width for articles and suggest Cairo for CairoPNG.
- Suggests CAMERA, MSnbase, MSstats, mzR, protViz, rawrr, Spectra
pQTLtools 0.4
- Another pass through R CMD check –as-cran
- Revise articles esp. pQTLtools, esse, LocusZoom.js (including lz.html and stack.html).
- Unify DESCRIPTION/README.md (finally).
- Add support for MathJax and mermaid.
- Add Caprion coloc scripts.
- Add SummarizedExperiment section to es.Rmd –> esse.Rmd.
- Add csq(), protein_altering_variants (so data/), histo.fyi, aria-label.
- Adopt new hg38 LD blocks for turboman().
- Add spectrum.Rmd.
- Renew call to ldops in novelty_check() in accordance with ieugwasr.
- Replace tests/ with most recent PROC results.
pQTLtools 0.3
- Activate package logo for the GitHub repository.
- Dedicated .R files for (blocks of) functions.
- Use of scope operator for clarification, e.g., ensembldb::genes().
- Use of OPENGWAS_JWT (.Renviron) from https://api.opengwas.io/profile/.
- Suggest IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest, OUTRIDER.
- Fix URL in DESCRIPTION/snakemake.Rmd.
pQTLtools 0.2
- 2023.12. Add LocusZoom.js article.
- 2023.05. Test data are fully available with medRxiv post of the SCALLOP paper.
- 2022.12. A new package pQTLdata is created to hold panel and meta data.
- 2022.06. It passes CRAN checks with no warning.
- 2021.02. A web-driven documentation is now available, https://jinghuazhao.github.io/pQTLtools/.
The information here mirrors the package DESCRIPTION,
- Depends R (>=3.5.0), pQTLdata.
- Import dplyr, gap, ggplot2, Rdpack.
- importFrom utils read.table tail.
- Import from lmm as template, use save(compress=‘xz’).
- Replace ChangeLog with NEWS.md.
- LICENSE.md and README.md.
- Reduce size by
sed -i '/ISSN/d' REFERENCES.bib
. - Suggest Biobase, BioStrings, GenomeInfoDb, GenomicRanges, IRanges, VariantAnnotation.
- Suggest Roxygen2.
- Suggest biomaRt, bookdown, circlize, cowplot.
- Suggest gap.datasets, gwasvcf, htmlwidgets, httr, ieugwasr.
- Suggest knitr, mclust, meta.
- Suggest openxlsx, plotly, plyr.
- Suggest regione, rgl, rmarkdown, rtracklayer.
- Suggest scatterplot3d, seqminer, stringr.
- GitHub action
- inst/Bioconductor/.
- inst/STRING/change_STRING_colors.py.
- inst/UniProt|PPI/README.md.
- inst/snakemake
- pQTLtools.Rmd, bioconductor.Rmd, es.Rmd, LocusZoom.js.Rmd, snakemake.Rmd and SCALLOP-INF.Rmd articles.
- List publications on pQTLs by Sun et al. (2018) and Suhre et al. (2020).
The list is in no particular order,
- peptideMapping(), peptideAssociationPlot().
- make_ExpressionSet(), novelty_check(), qtl_lookup(), turboman(), turboqq().
- Reflow turboman.r/[partial]turboqq.r by formatR::tidy_source().
- pqtlMR(), run_TwoSampleMR().
- run_coloc().
- import_OpenGWAS()
- import_eQTLCatalogue().
- genequries(), regionqueries(), snpqueries().
- uniprot2ids().