It collects data and utilities for pQTL analysis, including 1. Protein GWAS facilities such as Manhattan/QQ/LocusZoom.js plots, novelty/consequence checking; 2. Articles linking functions for cis/trans classification, pQTL-gene plot, 2d/3d-plotly plots, forest plots among others available from 'gap' ( as well as colocalization, pQTL-Mendelian Randomization via 'TwoSampleMR' (; 3. Query on genes, regions, and SNPs via 'PhenoScanner' ( 4. Mapping of UniProt IDs to other resources; 5. Showcases of 'Bioconductor' ( and 'snakemake' (
Available data and functions are listed in the following table.
Objects | Description |
GWAS | |
turboman | Manhattan plots |
turboqq | QQ plots |
pGWAS | |
csq | Variant consequence |
novelty_check | Locus novelty check |
peptideAssociationPlot | peptide association plot |
peptideMapping | peptide-to-protein mapping |
protein_altering_variants | Protein Altering Variants (PAVs) |
Expression analysis | |
get.prop.below.LLOD | Limit of detection analysis |
import_eQTLCatalogue | Import eQTL Catalogue |
make_ExpressionSet | A call to ExpressionSet class |
run_coloc | Colocalisation analysis |
MR analysis | |
import_OpenGWAS | Import OpenGWAS |
pqtlMR | Bidirectional pQTL-MR analysis |
qtl_lookup | QTL lookup |
run_TwoSampleMR | A generic wrapper for TwoSampleMR analysis |
PhenoScanner Utilities | |
genequeries | phenoscanner genequeries in batches |
regionqueries | phenoscanner regionqueries in batches |
snpqueries | phenoscanner snpqueries in batches |
UniProt API | |
uniprot2ids | UniProt ID to others |
Functions in gap | |
gap::METAL_forestplot | Forest plots from metal analysis |
gap::ci2ms | Effect size and standard error from confidence interval |
gap::cis.vs.trans.classification | a cis/trans classifier |
gap::circos.cis.vs.trans.plot | circos plot of cis/trans classification |
gap::circos.mhtplot | circos Manhattan plot with gene annotation |
gap::circos.mhtplot2 | Another circos Manhattan plot |
gap::cs | Credible set |
gap::get_b_se | Get b and se from AF, n, and z |
gap::get_pve_se | Get pve and its standard error from n, z |
gap::get_sdy | Get sd(y) from AF, n, b, se |
gap::mr | Mendelian randomization analysis |
gap::invnormal | Inverse normal transformation |
gap::log10p | log10(p) for a standard normal deviate |
gap::log10pvalue | log10(p) for a P value including its scientific format |
gap::logp | log(p) for a normal deviate |
gap::mhtplot.trunc | Truncated Manhattan plot |
gap::miamiplot2 | Miami plot |
gap::mr_forestplot | Mendelian Randomization forest plot |
gap::pvalue | P value for a normal deviate |
gap::qtlClassifier | A QTL cis/trans classifier |
gap::qtlFinder | Distance-based signal identification |
gap::qtl2dplot | 2D QTL plot |
gap::qtl2dplotly | 2D QTL plotly |
gap::qtl3dplotly | 3D QTL plotly |
Vignettes on package usage:
An Overview of pQTLtools.
.Bioconductor Notes.
.snakemake showcases.