- GitHub repositories
gaawr2 (manual, news, vignette), Articles: web
pQTLdata (manual, news, vignette)
pQTLtools (manual, news, vignette), Articles: ExpressionSet/SummarizedExperiment, LocusZoom.js, SCALLOP-Caprion, bioconductor, snakemake, spectrum
R (www.r-pkg.org, https://www.rdocumentation.org/) based on R packages
Haplotype analysis based on C programs
miscellaneous collections based on miscellaneous programs
- JumpStart sites
- Bioconductor contribution, https://contributions.bioconductor.org/index.html
- CRAN submission, https://cran.r-project.org/submit.html
- R Contributor Site, https://contributor.r-project.org/
- R Developer Page, https://developer.r-project.org/
I have converted some functionality of my programs (most are on the Rockefeller list of genetic software), implemented new functions or maintained packages by colleagues into R. as reported in gap: Genetic Analysis Package. I also made a University of London LaTeX thesis class, together with Endnote genetic reference library and keep some notes on MFC programming, some programs for genetic data analysis and R/S counterpart.
- The examples provided for SAS, Stata and R can be considered as extension to those in Genetic dissection of complex traits In silico: approaches, problems and solutions.
- My work on mixed models is described in the following papers